Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (2024)

")}e.setAttribute("data-distAdded",1)}}async filterEQ(e){if(document,this.magFilter=e,this.currMag){var s=Math.max(e,this.currMag.getAttribute("data-baseVal"));if(this.currMag.innerText=s.toString(),this.magFilterBtns){let a=this.magFilterBtns.getElementsByClassName("magFilter");for(i=0;i

setTimeout(e,1e3))),e!=this.distFilter){if(this.distFilter=e,this.currDistInfoKm&&(this.currDistInfoKm.innerText=e),this.currDistInfoMi&&(this.currDistInfoMi.innerText=Math.round(.62137*e)),e>this.currentMaxDist)return this.loadNewQuakes(500);this.applyFilters()}}async filterByAge(e){if(this.ageFilter=e,this.ageFilterBtns){let s=this.ageFilterBtns.getElementsByClassName("ageFilter");for(var a=0;a0&&(e.getAttribute("data-mag")&&parseFloat(e.getAttribute("data-mag"))3&&e.getAttribute("data-mag")&&parseInt(e.getAttribute("data-ea"))>0))return!1;if(this.ageFilter>0){if(this.referenceTime){if(e.getAttribute("data-time")&&this.referenceTime-parseInt(e.getAttribute("data-time"))>this.ageFilter)return!1}else if(e.getAttribute("data-time")&&s-parseInt(e.getAttribute("data-time"))>this.ageFilter)return!1}if(this.statusFilter&&e.getAttribute("data-ea")&&parseInt(e.getAttribute("data-ea"))>0)return!1;if(this.distFilter>0){if(e.getAttribute("data-dist")&&parseFloat(e.getAttribute("data-dist"))>this.distFilter)return!1;if(500==this.distFilter&&e.getAttribute("data-dist")&&e.getAttribute("data-mag")){let a=parseFloat(e.getAttribute("data-mag")),l=parseFloat(e.getAttribute("data-dist"));if(a<2&&l>25||a<3&&l>50||a<4&&l>100||a<5&&l>200||a<6&&l>250||a<7&&l>300||l>500)return!1}}return!("time"!=this.sortBy&&e.classList.contains("tSpc"))}async applyFilters(e){var e=e||0;e||!this.loadMoreUrl||this.hasLoadedAll||(this.loadMoreRows(),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,500)));let s=document,a=this.table.rows,l=0,r=Math.floor(;for(let n=1;nsetTimeout(e,20)))}}let h=a.getElementsByClassName("aStr");nowUTC=Math.floor(;for(let u=0;u"+writeRelAge(g,this.referenceTime)+"

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timeAtCurRow?posFound=1:(elToInsertAfter=rows[curRowInd],curRowInd++)}else posFound=1;markThem&&(newTableRow.classList.add("newQuake"),setTimeout(function(){removeMarking(newTableRow)},8e3)),elToInsertAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(newTableRow, elToInsertAfter.nextSibling),elToInsertAfter=rows[curRowInd],curRowInd++,newRows++,"undefined"!=typeof addQuakeToMap?eval(quake.js):setTimeout(function(){eval(quake.js)},100)}return newRows+updated>0&&(this.alternateBg(),"time"==this.sortBy&&"asc"==this.sortDir&&this.sortTable("time")),[newRows,updated]}assignMap(e){}}

31 quakes Mag. 2+

3 quakes Mag. 4+

Number of quakes vs long-term average, past 24 hours

Earthquake activity below average

Magnitude4.0 Earthquake San Luis Potosi, Mexico -

Latest today

See all

Mag.0.0 earthquake 7.9 km east of Mazatenango - Suchitepeque, Guatemala -
Latest feltMag.2.0 earthquake 40 km east of Tecate - Baja California, Mexico -
Strongest todayMag.4.0 67 km southwest of Ciudad Valles - San Luis Potosi, Mexico -

Updated: Aug 22, 2024 04:59 GMT -

Quake statistics | Past 24 hours | 48 hrs | 7 days | 14 days | 30 days | Yesterday | Aug | Past month | 2024 | Past year | Since 1900

Find all latest earthquakes in or near Mexico in our list below, updated every minute! Events are often reported within minutes. If you just felt a quake in or near Mexico, find out which quakes are happening right now!

On this page: MapQuake ListArchiveQuake StatsFAQ

In the past 24 hours, Mexico has had 34 quakes of magnitudes up to 4.0:

  • 3 quakes above magnitude 4
  • 23 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 5 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 3 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

Number of quakes per year

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Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (1)

in sec

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (2)

Showing most recent quakes and quakes magnitude 0.5 or higher, within up to 100km (62mi) distance (49 quakes):

Latest quakes in or near Mexico in the past 24 hours on Thursday, August 22, 2024 - list, stats and map
Date and TimeLatest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (3)Mag
Nearest VolcanoLocationDetailsMap

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About these data

Mexico Quake-O-Meter

Has seismic activity increased or decreased?

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Number of quakes vs average

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Seismic activity vs average

Below average

Normal range

Above average


See Quake Stats

"; HTMLcontent += "

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (18)

"; addToMap("station"+id, lat, lon, title,HTMLcontent); map.panTo([lat,lon]); document.getElementById("map_canvas").scrollIntoView();}

Latest seismic signals

Seismic station: ZACATECAS (ZAIG/MX network) | Show on map | Station Info

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (19)

Seismogram (vertical component) last 60 minutes. Source: IRIS query builder webtool

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Earthquake statistics

Average number of earthquakes

Based on data from the past 14 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 13,000 quakes on average per year in Mexico:

  • Mag. 8 or higher: 0.03 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 31.3 years)
  • Mag. 7 or higher: 0.53 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.9 years)
  • Mag. 6 or higher: 3.5 quakes per year
  • Mag. 5 or higher: 35.3 quakes per year (or 2.9 quakes per month)
  • Mag. 4 or higher: 1,900 quakes per year (or 5.2 quakes per day)
  • Mag. 3 or higher: 11,000 quakes per year (or 29.7 quakes per day)
  • Mag. 2 or higher: 11,000 quakes per year (or 31.3 quakes per day)
  • Mag. 1 or higher: 13,000 quakes per year (or 34.8 quakes per day)

Mexico has a high level of seismic activity. Mexico has had at least 4 quakes above magnitude 8 since 1900, which suggests that larger earthquakes of this size occur infrequently, probably on average approximately every 30 to 35 years.

Detailed stats

Number of earthquakes over time

Past 90 days

30 days

7 days

24 hours


2024 so far

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (20)

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (21)

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (22)

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (23)

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (24)

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (25)

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You can use the standalone version of our interactive earthquake map or embed it on your website:

Largest Quakes in or near Mexico

Date and TimeLatest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (27)Mag

Map of largest quakes in or near Mexico

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On this page:

Latest Earthquakes in or near Mexico: Today and Recently (2024)


Where was the 3.7 earthquake today? ›

A preliminary 3.7 magnitude earthquake struck Wednesday morning in Central California, according to the United States Geological Survey. The quake hit at 6:01 a.m. and was centered about 22 miles northeast of Paso Robles, the USGS said.

How strong was the earthquake in Mexico today? ›

The largest earthquake in Mexico:

today: 2.0 in Cereso del Hongo, Baja California, Mexico. this week: 4.4 in San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, Mexico. this month: 5.4 in Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, Mexico.

Where was the 4.8 earthquake today? ›

On April 5, residents across a wide swath of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania experienced what may have been their first — and possibly not last — earthquake.

When did Mexico last have an earthquake? ›

Earthquakes in Mexico since 1950
09/19/2022Michoacan, Colima, Jalisco7.6
62 more rows

Where was the 7.0 earthquake today? ›

The quake's epicenter was about 63 miles from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and had a depth of about 18 miles. Shiveluch volcano, with a height of 10,770 feet, is around 280 miles from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a coastal city with a population of about 180,000 in Russia's eastern region of Kamchatka.

Why is Mexico having so many earthquakes? ›

Mexico is located along a subduction zone, where one slab of Earth's crust—the Cocos oceanic plate—is sliding under another—the North American continental plate. The friction between the crusts causes strong and devastating earthquakes.

What was the worst earthquake in Mexico history? ›

Mexico City earthquake of 1985, severe earthquake that occurred on September 19, 1985, off the coast of the Mexican state of Michoacán, causing widespread death and injuries and catastrophic damage in Mexico's capital, Mexico City. The magnitude-8.0 quake occurred at 7:18 am.

Where was the 6.0 earthquake in Mexico? ›

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca on Friday night, causing some damage and power outages, officials said. Damage was also reported in the city of Oaxaca, where a hospital suffered cracked walls and power outages were reported.

Where was the 5.2 earthquake today? ›

A moderately strong, 5.2-magnitude earthquake struck in Southern California on Tuesday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The temblor happened at 9:09 p.m. Pacific time about 14 miles southwest of Lamont, Calif., data from the agency shows.

Where did a 9.0 earthquake happen? ›

On 11 March 2011, at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC), a Mw 9.0–9.1 undersea megathrust earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean, 72 km (45 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of the Tōhoku region. It lasted approximately six minutes and caused a tsunami.

Where was the 9.5 earthquake? ›

On May 22, 1960 a great Mw 9.5 earthquake, the largest earthquake ever instrumentally recorded, occurred off the coast of southern Chile. This earthquake generated a tsunami that was destructive not only along the coast of Chile, but also across the Pacific in Hawaii, Japan, and the Philippines.

What earthquake lasted 32 years? ›

1861 Sumatra earthquake - Wikipedia.

How long did the Mexico City earthquake of 1985 last? ›

The quake on September 19 was centered 250 miles west of the city but, due to the relatively unstable ground underneath the city, serious shaking lasted for nearly 3 minutes. The prolonged ground movement caused several old hotels, including the Regis, Versailles and Romano, to crumble.

When was the longest earthquake ever? ›

The longest official earthquake on record was the 2004 Sumatran-Andaman earthquake of the coast of Indonesia, which caused shaking that was reported to last between eight and ten minutes. But the longest ever recorded seismic event was the 32 year-long “slow-slip event” in Sumatra.

Where was the 4.5 earthquake in California? ›

A magnitude-4.5 earthquake occurred in northern California at around 20:46 June 21. The epicenter was about 5 km (3 miles) west-southwest of Laytonville.

Where was the 3.9 earthquake? ›

The quake struck at 9:39 a.m. local time, with the epicenter located about 4 miles west of Lake Elsinore, which lies some 70 miles southeast of Los Angeles, and occurred at a depth of nearly 5.5 miles. The shaking was reportedly felt in parts of the Los Angeles metro area.

Where was the 7.1 earthquake located? ›

​​California's Largest Recorded Earthquakes Since 1800, Ranked by Magnitude​
7.1Oct. 16, 1999Ludlow
7.1July 5, 2019Ridgecrest/Trona
7.0May 18, 1940El Centro
6.9Oct. 17, 1989Bay Area
12 more rows


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.